Drive by Incubus
Ok, you know what's really entertaining? Funny license plates. Think about it. You're driving down a long stretch of highway, all the cars are becoming a blur, then you see it... a license plate that you can actually READ! Someone took the time to actually PAY for a word, phrase, or slogan to be put on their vehicle's tag. It might not be spelled correctly, or even be a real word at all, but it was something that entertained you for 2.5 seconds of your long drive.
It's like a free puzzle!
During long road trips with friends, I enjoy playing car games like the license plate game (finding one from every state) or I Spy or ABCs ... but you need others for these games. You can't play I Spy by yourself, you'd always win! Finding a car with a funny license plate is like having your very own FREE car puzzle game!
I find clever ones to be absolutely hysterical. For instance, I was on my way up to VT this weekend and saw a New York plate that read 3MUGGLES .. obviously a Harry Potter reference, but it made me so happy to read that! Like, why did they choose it? Is it just a family of three who all love HP? As you can tell, it really entertained me and gave me a laugh during the drive.
C'mon, you seriously can't tell me that whenever you see a plate that you can pronounce or decipher part of a word that you don't get excited and tell the rest of your car mates.
The reason for my post is because I've been running into a LOT of funny license plates lately -- almost eerily in abundance. I wanted to have a post dedicated to just funny plates in general as I captured them, but 1.) I didn't want to wait to collect that many photos and 2.) I found enough in Vermont this past weekend to do me a good entry. So here they are .. Who would have thought Vermont is so witty?
C'mon, you seriously can't tell me that whenever you see a plate that you can pronounce or decipher part of a word that you don't get excited and tell the rest of your car mates.
The reason for my post is because I've been running into a LOT of funny license plates lately -- almost eerily in abundance. I wanted to have a post dedicated to just funny plates in general as I captured them, but 1.) I didn't want to wait to collect that many photos and 2.) I found enough in Vermont this past weekend to do me a good entry. So here they are .. Who would have thought Vermont is so witty?

On The Bright Side: Ten bucks says funny license plates will be ALL you see the next time you drive. :) But don't forget where the thoughts of your happiness originated. Here, duh!